Sunday, May 12, 2019



The progression of architecture will involve the morphing and merging of forms to further the process of dynamic and transformative buildings 

Hero shot

Detail shot

Other photos from Lumion model

Lumion model

Photos from Sketchup model

The sketchup model has been uploaded on the 3D warehouse under "ARCH1101 EXP2 Natalie Jejo"


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Grading other student's works

Custom Textures

Chosen Textures


Texture in use


Texture in use


Texture in use

Model Plan

1) Lecture room
2) Studio
3) Workshop
4) Meeting room for staff and research space for staff
5) Computer labs
6) Library and Gallery
7) Meeting rooms for student
8) Research Studio for staff and academic offices
9) Bathrooms and administrative offices

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Theory and Perspective Drawings

Perspective Drawing will be added later


Rendered Atmosphere



The progression of architecture will involve the morphing and merging of forms to further the process of dynamic and transformative buildings

Key Words
- Progression
- Morphing
- Merging
- Process

Belogolovsky, Vladimir. "I Don't Have Any Competitors Because My Project Are Unique: In Conversation with Hua Zhang." ArchiDaily, March 3 2019.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week 5: Hero and Detail Shots

Detail Shot
I've chosen this shot because it captures the scene of a weightless glass building, all the walls in the ground floor are made up of glass cladding while the above floor has large matching windows the outline of the wall giving it the illusion the above floor is hovering over the ground. The simple choice of materiality gives off this image clearly.

Hero Shot
I've chosen this shot because it captures the whole model with all its levels and both the stairs, showing its interactions with the environment.